Town and Parish Council Elections - Thursday, 4th May 2023
All Town and Parish Council seats were up for election this year on Thursday, 4th May 2023.
For the local election results 2023 - Please see:
Tamarside WardFor all election results in West Devon, please visit: Results in full - West Devon Borough Council
Lifton Parish Council Vacancies
Parish Clerk email:
Are you interested in local current affairs?
Do you wish to help your community?
Could you provide a voice for residents?
Applications are invited from parishioners who wish to be considered for co-option onto the Parish Council
Please send a letter or email of application to the Clerk stating why you wish to be considered for the role (maximum 250 words)
Please do not hand your letter/email to a Councillor as that would preclude them from the voting process
Co-option will take place at the Parish Council meeting (date to be confirmed)
The term of office will run until the next ordinary elections in May 2027.
This position is only open to people that live in the Parish of Lifton or within 3 miles of the boundary and those that work or own land within the Parish.
Further information about Lifton Parish Council can be found at:
Are you passionate about your community? Do you want to help make a long-lasting change? Do you have innovative ideas for the council? We need people from all backgrounds and experiences who reflect their community to put themselves forward for the Parish Council. Make a change and become a councillor. For more information about the role of councils and councillors, please visit the National Association of Local Councils via:
Other important and useful information can be found via:
DALC's - The Good Councillors Guide (2018): The guide is a resource primarily aimed at new councillors, but is also useful for those thinking about becoming a local councillor and the long-established councillor too. It introduces you to the work of local councils and the part you play as a councillor.
(Please note: we are expecting an update to this guide in 2023).